Monday, January 9, 2012

Elevator Music

This is a list of things that make me envious:

--People who wake up early enough to eat breakfast.
--People who sleep in long enough for lunch to be their first meal.

There's a commercial on television with Papa John. I'm going to call him Papa for the rest of this entry even though I don't recognize his authority as a father figure or an elder in a small Italian village. Regardless, he's talking about how football and his brand of edible frisbees are the "perfect... combination." The flow of sentence is impeccable until he reaches that point, at which time he has a minor stroke or something. I'm not worried about Papa at all; in fact, what I am worried about is professionalism in commercial production. Papa stutters so obnoxiously that I am considering never patronizing that establishment again, and that's the take you use for your national commercial? Standards.


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